Using the Python package dipwmsearch, you can look for di-PWM patterns.

        To annotate probable transcription factor binding sites or other RNA/DNA binding sites, it is common practise to look for probabilistic themes in a sequence. Position weight matrices (PWMs), dinucleotide PWMs (di-PWMs), and hidden Markov models are useful motif representations. (HMMs). Dinucleotide PWMs incorporate dependency between neighbouring points in the motif in addition to the PWMs’ inherent simplicity—a matrix form and a cumulative scoring system. (unlike PWMs which disregard any dependency).SPRy-SARUS and MOODS are two programmes that can look for instances of di-PWMs in sequences at the moment.

      The authors have suggested the use of the Python module dipwmsearch, which offers a unique and effective algorithm for this purpose. (it first enumerates matching words for the di-PWM, and then searches these all at once in the sequence, even if the latter contains IUPAC codes). The use of di-PWMs is made simpler for the user by an easy installation process using Pypi or conda, thorough documentation, and executable scripts.

      dipwmsearch is available at and under Cecill license.


Mille M. et. al.(2023) dipwmsearch: a Python package for searching di-PWM motifs Bioinformatics 39(4):btad141.


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