An automated bacterial plasmid assembly tool called plassembler.

              With recent developments in sequencing technologies, it is now conceivable to combine a long-read-first assembly method with short-read polishing to quickly and cheaply produce full bacterial chromosomal assemblies that are nearly flawless. However, current techniques for assembling bacterial plasmids from long-read-first assemblies sometimes assemble incorrectly or even completely miss bacterial plasmids, necessitating manual curation. A tool called Plassembler was created to automatically assemble and produce bacterial plasmids using a hybrid assembly method. By deleting chromosomal reads from the input read sets via a mapping approach, it improves accuracy and computing efficiency in comparison to the current gold standard tool Unicycler.

              ‘conda install -c bioconda plassembler’ can be used to install plassembler, which is a bioconda package that is implemented in Python. The source code can be found at, where it is accessible. The benchmarking input FASTQ and output files can be accessed at, and the complete benchmarking pipeline is available at:


Bouras G. et. al.(2023) Plassembler: an automated bacterial plasmid assembly tool. Bioinformatics 39(7): btad 409

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